How and who targets blacks in LA

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How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by mayugastank » November 18th, 2009, 3:04 pm

No One Here Gets Out Alive
The Mexican Mafia’s racial cleansing campaign targets L.A.


Photo by Ted Soqui
~ Consoling: Two who lost relatives to gang violence, Charlene Lovette, at right, and Beatrice Villa, hold hands with Mayor Antonio villaraigosa ~

n the words of the Rev, K.W. Tulloss, “the nightmare has come true.” Federal indictments unsealed on October 16 allege that leaders of the Florenza 13 (F 13s) gang acted on orders from the Mexican Mafia to cleanse their neighborhoods of African-American gang and non-gang members. “The most disturbing aspect is that gang members allegedly engaged in a series of attacks … that extended to innocent citizens who ended up being shot simply because of the color of their skin,” said U.S. Attorney Thomas P. O’Brien.

The news was a bitter pill to black and Latino activists who struggled all year to get law enforcement and city leaders to admit that the rash of racially motivated killings and attacks against African-Americans and their Latino supporters is part of a larger and chilling plot – a highly organized effort by the Mexican Mafia (La Eme) to cleanse the many neighborhoods they control of their black population.

While law enforcement and prosecutors had previously admitted some Latino gangs engaged in racial attacks on innocent citizens, the Justice Department disclosures about the Mexican Mafia – known for its racist agenda against prison blacks as well as its collaboration with the white supremacist Aryan Brotherhood – represented the first time that law enforcement publicly stated such a strong connection.

I was relieved this information finally surfaced because we’ve been trying to bring it to light for a long time and some individuals are saying we’re exaggerating,” Tuloss says. His mother recently moved from Harbor Gateway after 10 years because the hate-crime murder of 14-year-old Cheryl Green by the Latino gang, the 204s, made her worry that her African-American teenaged son – Tulloss’s brother – would be next. “But I’m furious that elected officials haven’t come together. The victims’ parents are furious. Those who have lost their children to hate crimes are furious.”

“How much innocent blood must be spilled before we do something?” It is a message Tulloss feels activists had made loud and clear since the January 2007 press conference organized by Project Islamic Hope’s Najee Ali in the aftermath of Cheryl Green’s murder. Joining him were members of the Mothers of Murdered Children, Tulloss (who is president of National Action Network, L.A. chapter), and Los Angeles Humanity Advocacy Group’s Melvin Snell.

Activists insisted that the Green murder in Harbor Gateway (where we learned that Latino gangs had forbidden blacks to cross the street) and hate-crime murders and attacks on blacks in Highland Park, weren’t random racial attacks. Rather, these show to them that the Mexican Mafia is moving on an agenda that forces African Americans living in Southern California areas under Mexican Mafia Control to leave or be killed.

In light of this, Snell, argue, LAPD’s gang strategy was like “putting a Band-Aid on cancer.”

Criminal attorney Anthony Willoughby, who has defended members of the Mexican Mafia, said that city leaders need to loudly condemn the racial killings and bring in the FBI, advice he gave L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa during the mayoral election. “The silence by elected officials has been deafening.” He repeats it now, adding, “There are major problems from Riverside all the way to L.A. The silence is an indictment of the black elected officials because they have sold their souls.”

To Luisa Prudhomme, the Justice Department hasn’t said anything she didn’t already know. Obsessed with the search for the Avenues gang shooter who murdered her African-American son Anthony in 2000, Prudhomme compiled an impressive roster of law enforcement officials who told her that the Mexican Mafia directed the racially motivated killing of Anthony, as well as homicides and attacks on other blacks in Highland Park. And yet, none of the law enforcement officials Prudhomme directed this reporter to call back in March would go on the record about the Mexican Mafia’s role in the Highland Park murders, including FBI agent Jerry Fradella, whom Prudhomme insists drew that connection for her. CityBeat contacted Fradella, who agreed to speak about it, pending approval by FBI press agent Laura Eimiller. But Eimiller e-mailed that Fradella worked the Avenues case “from a civil rights standpoint and is not an expert on the Mexican Mafia.”

Today Prudhomme asks the same question she’s asked a lot in the last six years: “Where’s the outrage?” Certainly there’s enough to go around. The arrests of the F 13s, the 2007 indictments of the Columbia Lil Cycos (a subset of the 18th Street Gang) and the “Coachella Eme” provide chilling details of the Mexican Mafia’s escalating grip on the Southern California streets. Taken together, the indictments, as well as an affidavit by an FBI agent unsealed last month, offer troublesome proof of the connections between Latino gangs and the prisons, where incarcerated gangbangers who fail to follow Mexican Mafia orders are dealt with swiftly and violently, while those who obey are protected.

In L.A., the F 13s began targeting black gang members supposedly around a beef with a Crips subset. The LA F13s is one of the largest street gangs in L.A. County, with family members spanning generations, too. This is organized crime: Networks of shooters, gunrunners, drug dealers, legal fees paid in bags of cash. Generations tied to a gang that is potentially as powerful as the Sicilian Mafia was in the ’50s, with a racial agenda to boot.

Blacks murdered standing on street corners, or waiting for the bus. Gang members bragging that they “got another one.” There were 41 murders in Florence-Firestone in 2005. Only half of the victims were gang affiliated.

“I feel vindicated,” says Ali, who adds that he’s gotten flack all year from his Latino and African-American friends who feared this dialogue would further fuel the fires of racial hatred.

In 2006 and 2007, The Southern Poverty Law Center website offered articles about ethnic cleansing and the Mexican Mafia by Brentin Mock, including one by Tony Rafael, a writer who has been tracking the Mexican Mafia for nearly a decade. The dialogue deteriorated into fodder for right-wing extremists. Black minuteman organizer Ted Hayes seized on “ethnic cleansing” to rally anti-immigrant forces around a theme that “illegal aliens” were killing blacks. Mock apologized, even though both of his articles would prove to be accurate.

The under-reported story
The extent of this organized racial hatred is difficult to comprehend, much less report, and maybe no writer knows this better than Tony Rafael, who insists that he had the story years ago. To get out the word, he ended up establishing a blog, In the Hat, and writing The Mexican Mafia, published in August by Encounter books.

Rafael will not use his real name, nor will he disclose where he lives or works, claiming that he has received threats. He will say that he was born in New York, where he saw his first Mafia hit when he was 11. “I was sitting on my stoop waiting for my friends going to the beach,” he recalls. “A car pulled up outside the luncheonette, a guy gets out, goes in, tells the guy behind the counter to get out of the way. He gets the guy he was looking for, pins him to the wall, shoots and then drives off.”

He had a frame of reference and then he began covering trials and studying the differences between L.A. street gangs and the Mafia – the gang he understood as a kid. And he found that, unlike black gangs, Latino gangs have a structure. “Hispanic gangs have a hierarchy. If you are Mexican Mafia, they pay for your attorney, make sure your family is taken care of. You get proceeds from the street taxation. Sometimes the family member will act as the mouthpiece for the arrested guy. He will act as a conduit for orders from the prison.”

Such details can now be gleaned by reading the unsealed indictments against the “Coachella Eme,” charging Richard Aguirre’s mother, Jovita Aguirre, with allegedly laundering money and carrying out orders from Pelican Bay where her son, alleged Mexican Mafia kingpin Richard Aguirre, is serving a life sentence.

In many ways The Mexican Mafia is as complete a guide we’ve gotten yet to the gang’s hierarchy, methods of amassing wealth and power, why they kill, and how members use their girlfriends and mothers to run drugs and orders from prisons. The sheer volume of information the book presents is cohesively written, and once you make peace with countless names and details, it’s a good read. However, the book is missing gang interviews; it’s so much in the mind of law enforcement that the author sometimes becomes an apologist for questionable police tactics like witness baiting, as well as the ill-fated CRASH unit, which went down in flames when citizens realized that sometimes cops can act as bad as gangs. With LAPD Chief William Bratton – who missed the Mexican Mafia connection by a mile – Rafael goes easy. “In New York he had 37,000 to deal with the situation,” Rafael says. “I mean, how big is L.A.? And all you have is 200 cops driving the streets.”

A Newsweek reporter who asked Bratton about the Mexican Mafia connection in February 2007 got this: “There were stories a couple of years back about the Mexican Mafia targeting blacks, but we could not document it anywhere.” That same month an African-American resident of Harbor Gateway recalled a visit from the 204s instructing him to stay away from the Del Amo Market on 204th Street. He called LAPD. The officers showed up but said that blacks had done the same thing to Hispanics years ago.

City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo hired former U.S. prosecutor Bruce Riordan as senior supervising attorney for anti-gang activities in November 2006. Riordan had investigated and prosecuted Mexican Mafia members; yet in March, when asked about the Mexican Mafia, he said. “I am totally unaware of [a plot]. I haven’t seen hard existence of one, or even non-courtroom evidence. I’ve never seen any soft evidence – admissible and inadmissible.”

So it’s just not obvious that law enforcement deserves a pass, here. The Mexican Mafia similarly ignores crooked corrections officers, politicians, and police that inevitably make all organized crime possible.

A self-described independent, Rafael wrote on in 2004 that liberals are addicted to “Thug Love.” The piece offers an interesting critique of Tom Hayden’s Street Gangs, but broadly accuses the left, and specifically Hayden, of harboring “a perverse admiration for thugs.” Rafael has also lectured on the Mexican Mafia for the David Horowitz Freedom Center while they promoted “Islamofascism Awareness Week.”

~ Harsh time: Eleven-year-old Ivory Berryman and her sister, Amber live two blocks away from a “forbidden line” in Harbor Gateway. ~

In April, making the author himself the subject of controversy, Colorlines, “the National Newsmagazine on Race and Politics,” ran “The Media Gets it Wrong: L.A. Gang Violence Not ‘Ethnic Cleansing,’” broadly condemning press coverage of “ethnic cleansing” and singling out Rafael. “Average Latinos and African Americans do not have problems coexisting in L.A.,” argues Noreen McClendon, executive director of Concerned Citizens of South Central Los Angeles. “This is a fight between gang members who happen to be of a different nationality. It’s irresponsible of the media to say, “ethnic cleansing” because people inside the penitentiary receive this information and it can produce the very things we don’t want – gang members attacking people based on false reports.”

Ali disagrees. He can’t get the story out fast enough. “There are the murders of innocent African-Americans and their Latino friends and supporters, unprovoked attacks on black inmates in the jails and prisons, high school and neighborhood race wars … And it has the potential to spread into a race war if the wrong person is killed.”

Snell believes the media is either under-reporting the ethnic cleansing story, or flat out reporting it wrong. He notes a “very disappointing” March 2007 article in The Nation, “The Smog of Race War in L.A.” by Roberto Lovato. In it, Lovato accuses the media of hyping the ethnic cleansing aspect of the racial killings instead of reporting on L.A.’s “dismal racial and economic situation.”

Lovato writes: “…The hyperbolic talk of ‘ethnic cleansing’ and ‘terrorism’ sounds a dissonant chord among the actual residents of Harbor Gateway, like Green’s mother, Charlene Lovett … Lovett says that truth has become another casualty, singling out one CNN story for its agonizing inaccuracy. ‘It enrages me to see how the reporter made it into a “gang on gang” story, that Latinos are striving to be better than black people in the area … My daughter was not part of any gang.’”

I was there with a tape recorder on the day the author framed this argument. Najee Ali and Melvin Snell held a mini press conference for Lovato and myself in Lovett’s apartment. And Lovett admitted she had an issue with early media reports that her daughter was in a gang, but her greater concern, which she made perfectly clear to Lovato, was that her daughter was 8

killed because of the color of her skin. At no time did Lovett express any contempt for the media’s reporting ethnic cleansing, despite Lovato’s several attempts to prod her with “But you’re not saying Latinos here hate blacks.”

“I am saying that,” Lovett finally blurted out. “I’m not saying it’s a problem with Latinos generally. I wouldn’t dare say that. All I’m saying is that the gangs here have let it be known that they hate black people.”

“Did the writer himself have an agenda?” asks Snell. “It’s definitely contradictory to what occurred and he quoted Charlene out of context. She expressed, like I did and Najee did, that this was about gangs specifically targeting innocent African-Americans. That was her outrage.”

On the day following her daughter’s murder, Lovett woke up to racial epithets painted on the garage across the street that Snell insists weren’t there before. Just two houses away a black man was shot in a racial attack. Within weeks, Latino gang members shot another black man while he was trying to drop off his daughters at a pajama party.

“The writer could have gotten the story if he just walked the streets in a three-block radius from where we were.”

You could argue – as these activists, and Rafael, have – that ignoring this story is also ignoring that Latinos are primary targets. “I’ve been contacted by both African American and Latino members in these communities that have been approached to pay taxes to the gangs,” Snell says. “They don’t want to go to law enforcement because they are afraid that will get back to the gangs. Suppression of this story is not the key.”

“At the end of each month, I look at the gang crimes by race,” says LAPD Detective Rick Ortiz, who is featured prominently in The Mexican Mafia for initiating the hate crime trial against the Avenues. “In an average month we’ll have 50 gang crimes. Of that, about half are gang related. With both gang on gang and non-gang murders most of the victims are Hispanic.

“This has nothing to do with the sheer number of people killing each other or the fact that more blacks kill blacks or more browns kill browns, which is either by gangs, or it’s personal,” he argues. “The issue is not when you have a beef. It’s when you attack a whole race. If white people were doing this there would be outrage. Everyone needs to get a grip, OK? Forget hurt feelings. There are people out here getting killed.

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by perongregory » November 18th, 2009, 8:26 pm

There's many people to blame for this, but you really have to put the blame on blacks, because we are always implicit in our own suffering due to some of us prospering in a situation where the majority is gettin fucked. Black gang members don't pay as much attention to the shit, because they rather bang on other blacks, like that dope they ese connect hook them up with, are criminals already so they look at shit funny. Black people in positions don't want to anger Latinos so they shut up and allow their brethren in the warzone to get chipped off. And what the fuck are whites and Latinos gonna do if blacks won't do shit for themselves? But the boy they killed in HP, his mom was white, so that got some good coverage because she's out there and can use that white skin as leverage.

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by jdm894g » November 20th, 2009, 6:30 pm

I dont understand why ECC and other gangs on the east side continue to beef with each other when WVG, SWANS, and other gangs on the east side will be next once they get finished with ECC. Its sad that they still each other as the enemy. Our numbers are very low east of the 110 freeway and too be beefing when sureno gangs are Nk.

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by H572DSTA » November 21st, 2009, 5:22 am

jdm894g wrote:I dont understand why ECC and other gangs on the east side continue to beef with each other when WVG, SWANS, and other gangs on the east side will be next once they get finished with ECC. Its sad that they still each other as the enemy. Our numbers are very low east of the 110 freeway and too be beefing when sureno gangs are Nk.

you dont understand LA politics

this aint GTA cant whipe a whole gang out

look in the war between F13 and ECC....maybe 10-15 ECC members got killed but the eastcoast crips got like 600-1000 members in the streets so f13 aint whiping nuthin out

and f13 aint even racial i got swann homiez who go to functions with f13 cholos and vice versa so they cant be that racial

media hypes that shit because they wanna get attention.there is no gang war in LA

4 sure you got black vs Brown hoods beefin but thats normal if you got all these gangs and gangbangers in that small overcrouded area we call south central

and you got the same amound of killed inoccent people with black vs black war too

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by jdm894g » November 22nd, 2009, 8:46 am

H572DSTA wrote:
jdm894g wrote:I dont understand why ECC and other gangs on the east side continue to beef with each other when WVG, SWANS, and other gangs on the east side will be next once they get finished with ECC. Its sad that they still each other as the enemy. Our numbers are very low east of the 110 freeway and too be beefing when sureno gangs are Nk.

you dont understand LA politics

this aint GTA cant whipe a whole gang out

look in the war between F13 and ECC....maybe 10-15 ECC members got killed but the eastcoast crips got like 600-1000 members in the streets so f13 aint whiping nuthin out

and f13 aint even racial i got swann homiez who go to functions with f13 cholos and vice versa so they cant be that racial

media hypes that shit because they wanna get attention.there is no gang war in LA

4 sure you got black vs Brown hoods beefin but thats normal if you got all these gangs and gangbangers in that small overcrouded area we call south central

and you got the same amound of killed inoccent people with black vs black war too
you right dawg,. i dont bang and may not have a clue to street politics. i know the media hypes a lot of shit up. But i do feel based on what ive read, folks from the sureno gangs on youtube...that there is something to it. maybe not wiping out a gang, but they sure would like to see us goon from the firestone/florence area.

bottom line there still should be some unity amongst some of them on the east side because there numbers are low and there are bigger fish to fry than each other.

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by mayugastank » November 24th, 2009, 12:13 am

H572DSTA wrote:
jdm894g wrote:I dont understand why ECC and other gangs on the east side continue to beef with each other when WVG, SWANS, and other gangs on the east side will be next once they get finished with ECC. Its sad that they still each other as the enemy. Our numbers are very low east of the 110 freeway and too be beefing when sureno gangs are Nk.

you dont understand LA politics

this aint GTA cant whipe a whole gang out

look in the war between F13 and ECC....maybe 10-15 ECC members got killed but the eastcoast crips got like 600-1000 members in the streets so f13 aint whiping nuthin out

and f13 aint even racial i got swann homiez who go to functions with f13 cholos and vice versa so they cant be that racial

media hypes that shit because they wanna get attention.there is no gang war in LA

4 sure you got black vs Brown hoods beefin but thats normal if you got all these gangs and gangbangers in that small overcrouded area we call south central

and you got the same amound of killed inoccent people with black vs black war too

Yea its true that the F13 dont get racial without alot of black hoods but if you peep that area and read on what has gone down there you will clearly see that they are on a racial tip. They have let alot of brothers have lead who didnt even gangbang, sometimes purposely and firing on blacks in front of their families and executing blacks --in big numbers---some 30+ blacks in that lil area in about 2 years , that isnt just some simple race war --thats all out EVEN FOR LOS ANGELES. The ECC are real deep everyone knows it- but have they ever gone at it like that with another black hood? The United States Goverment got involved in the form of a RICO indictment --because they had tapped some F13 phones and kept hearing chatter on murders committed against blacks for VERY RACIAL reasons.Read up on some of my previous posts on here and youll see them for what they are. These are some bad dudes--bad as in immoral. The racial hatred they showed and the ECC showed also was something I DOUBT that has happened in MODERN AMERICA since the days of segregation in the south. Dont be fooled by a BBQ being thrown with the SWANS

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by mayugastank » November 24th, 2009, 12:17 am

jdm894g wrote:
H572DSTA wrote:
jdm894g wrote:I dont understand why ECC and other gangs on the east side continue to beef with each other when WVG, SWANS, and other gangs on the east side will be next once they get finished with ECC. Its sad that they still each other as the enemy. Our numbers are very low east of the 110 freeway and too be beefing when sureno gangs are Nk.

you dont understand LA politics

this aint GTA cant whipe a whole gang out

look in the war between F13 and ECC....maybe 10-15 ECC members got killed but the eastcoast crips got like 600-1000 members in the streets so f13 aint whiping nuthin out

and f13 aint even racial i got swann homiez who go to functions with f13 cholos and vice versa so they cant be that racial

media hypes that shit because they wanna get attention.there is no gang war in LA

4 sure you got black vs Brown hoods beefin but thats normal if you got all these gangs and gangbangers in that small overcrouded area we call south central

and you got the same amound of killed inoccent people with black vs black war too
you right dawg,. i dont bang and may not have a clue to street politics. i know the media hypes a lot of shit up. But i do feel based on what ive read, folks from the sureno gangs on youtube...that there is something to it. maybe not wiping out a gang, but they sure would like to see us goon from the firestone/florence area.

bottom line there still should be some unity amongst some of them on the east side because there numbers are low and there are bigger fish to fry than each other.


. 34-year-old Carl Dixon was killed in the May 9 Florence shooting that also left three other people wounded. Last week, The Homicide Report told this story from the perspective one survivor, Sidney McFarland.
Today, the story is told from the perspective of a second victim, Bernard McGee, 37, McFarland's cousin, who suffered serious wounds to the back and both thighs. The Latino suspects in this case are still at large. Above, McGee looks away as neighbor Latisha Thomas changes the dressing on a wound. Photo by Brian VanderBrug/LAT)
It was still light when Bernard McGee greeted Carl Dixon in front of a house in the 1600 block of East 81st Street. McGee was sitting on the porch. With him was his common-law wife, their 3-month-old baby boy Ejuan, and McGee's cousin, Sidney McFarland.
McGee barely had time to exchange greetings with Dixon. As soon as Dixon sat, there was an explosion of gunfire. "Boom, pac, pac, pac, boom, boom, boom!" McGee said, recalling the sound. A group of people were shooting from behind a wall. McGee looked at Dixon. He saw the red fabric of Dixon's shirt whip, as if a strong breeze were yanking it. Dixon was being shot in the torso.
Then McGee felt two little sharp jabs in his legs. Quick piercings. One in each thigh. He felt no pain. But he had a clear sensation of two tiny objects plunging into his flesh. He knew had been hit. Instinct, or adrenalin, put him in motion. He was running. "I had no choice," he said. "My legs got up and went."
As McGee got to the door of the house, he felt his own shirt whip and jerk, the fabric gently brushing his spine. It was a bullet. McGee had been shot in the back. He hit the floor, lying on the carpet just inside the door. His wife jumped over him.
After a lifetime on 81st, McGee could distinguish different types of gunfire. He knew there were at least two guns--a pistol and an assault rifle. The floor beneath him vibrated with the blasts. Large, brassy rifle shells bounced before his eyes. McGee looked down into the carpet. They would all soon be dead, he recalled thinking.
Finally the gunfire stopped. People were shouting, screaming, running back and forth. McGee couldn't feel anything. He couldn't move.
The paramedics put a neck brace on him. In the ambulance, they looked over his wounds. There were long rips through each leg, and a bullet wound in the small of his back. "Looks like they shot you with an AK-47," one paramedic told him. "Your muscles are all torn up." They told him he'd been lucky.
McGee rode all the way to St. Francis hospital thinking he was probably paralyzed. The street rolled past under the wheels. It seemed to take a long, long time. McGee bitterly imagined the aid car passing King-Drew hospital's now-shuttered trauma center, going on 10 minutes further to St. Francis.
Sometime after he woke up from surgery, a doctor asked him to move his toes. He obeyed, and they moved. He wasn't paralyzed. The bullet in the back had not penetrated far enough.
But the ones that struck his leg had ripped deeply into the flesh, carving long furrows. His nerves were damaged. At home, two days later, he managed to drag himself up on crutches. He was afraid to go outside. He tried not to think about what had happened: especially seeing Dixon killed. He tried not to dwell on how close his wife and son had come to death.
McGee is part of a large, close, extended family, all living in the same neighborhood. Their matriarch is a 97-year-old woman, whom everyone in the family calls "Mama." She was born a Mississippi sharecropper, came west with a few dollars in her pocket in the waning days of the Great Migration, settled in Florence, and remains there today. McGee, her grandson, is part of a generation of this family that has come to see the promise of Los Angeles as badly broken. For black migrants, "It was supposed to be the land of milk and honey," McGee's sister Patricia Jackson said. "But it wasn't."
When his neighbor, Latisha Thomas, came over to pour alcohol over his legs into a tin pan and change his dressings, McGee found he that he couldn't watch. One glance down at his own stitched legs, and he broke out in a cold sweat and nearly fainted.
Next time Thomas came over, Thomas tried a different strategy. After working off the bandage tape with trembling hands, he looked away, and let Thomas remove the gauze. As she worked, he stared rigidly out the window

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by mayugastank » November 24th, 2009, 12:26 am

perongregory wrote:There's many people to blame for this, but you really have to put the blame on blacks, because we are always implicit in our own suffering due to some of us prospering in a situation where the majority is gettin #%@&. Black gang members don't pay as much attention to the shit, because they rather bang on other blacks, like that dope they ese connect hook them up with, are criminals already so they look at shit funny. Black people in positions don't want to anger Latinos so they shut up and allow their brethren in the warzone to get chipped off. And what the fu-- are whites and Latinos gonna do if blacks won't do shit for themselves? But the boy they killed in HP, his mom was white, so that got some good coverage because she's out there and can use that white skin as leverage.

The people to blame are dudes like HD below who deny its even going on----The Mayor, the Sheriff, The govenor, The Media. The storys I have previously posted are sick--twisted and like peeping into the depths of hell. It may not seem like anything but words when you read it but consider the human casualty of the race wars being waged. The story BELOW, has a man being shot up possible never being whole again for the rest of his life--in front of a newborn baby? FOR WHAT? Dude was a simple ass country hick--from MISSISSIPPI and probably didnt know a cotton field from a gang zone. They didnt even ask him where he was from.They fired on a family! How sick is that? I consider myself pretty intelligent and realistic. The story below and many others like it say one thing loud and clear coming from both sides of the gang wars. WE DONT CARE IF YOUR IN A GANG< WHETHER YOUR FAMILY IS PRESENT<IF YOUR A GOOD MAN> HOW OLD YOU ARE<HOW OLD THE CHILDREN PRESENT ARE> WE ARE GOING TO KILL YOU>BECAUSE YOU ARE BLACK >OR HISPANIC.

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by perongregory » November 24th, 2009, 12:29 am

That shit pisses me off, innocent people being shot and killed...

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by H572DSTA » November 24th, 2009, 2:35 am

Yea its true that the F13 dont get racial without alot of black hoods but if you peep that area and read on what has gone down there you will clearly see that they are on a racial tip. They have let alot of brothers have lead who didnt even gangbang, sometimes purposely and firing on blacks in front of their families and executing blacks --in big numbers---some 30+ blacks in that lil area in about 2 years , that isnt just some simple race war --thats all out EVEN FOR LOS ANGELES. The ECC are real deep everyone knows it- but have they ever gone at it like that with another black hood? The United States Goverment got involved in the form of a RICO indictment --because they had tapped some F13 phones and kept hearing chatter on murders committed against blacks for VERY RACIAL reasons.Read up on some of my previous posts on here and youll see them for what they are. These are some bad dudes--bad as in immoral. The racial hatred they showed and the ECC showed also was something I DOUBT that has happened in MODERN AMERICA since the days of segregation in the south. Dont be fooled by a BBQ being thrown with the SWANS[/quote]

It seems like youve never gangbanged right?
Belive me the guys from F13 aint racist!!!
how they gonna be racial if they cool with other blacks???
4 sho some of them might say fuck niggers or that they hate blacks....but i said that too...i remember on my way back 2 school on atlantic ave a car with 2 mexicans drove by pulled out a gun and shot at me...after that i said fuck wetbacks just because of my emotions i had at time...while other brothers tried 2 kill me like everyday....
and the story you posted is totaly BS cause it proves nuthin....if you in a war with an enemigo you drive into their neighborhood and just shoot the first person you see and this was in 76 ECC hood!!! and if you in a war with a blacc gang you wont shot a mexican right?
and the war ECC against Grape st is bigger right now than against F13...and inocent blacc people get shot that aint racial anymore because blaccs shoting blaccs right?

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by perongregory » November 24th, 2009, 2:51 am

HOODSTA you prob. get this a lot but was Eazy really from yo hood?

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by mayugastank » November 24th, 2009, 6:48 am

perongregory wrote:HOODSTA you prob. get this a lot but was Eazy really from yo hood?
SINCE WE ARE TALKING ABOUT PERSONAL EXPERIENCES.......I wont get too much into specifics or whatever , but their was a group of black skaters I knew who were pretty good dudes, they tagged ,skated, were good artists and minded their own, IN NO WAY did they dress or resemble a banger . Well these guys , were at a skatepark in LB, when they were surrounded by 5 big ass mexican gangbangers, asked were they were from" when they replied "nowhere!" It didnt matter one bit that they were just school kids hanging out * One of the bangers pulls out his piece and at point blank range pulls the trigger killing the black kid, in front of his friends and brother. He then turned his weapon on the kids they had made lay face down and fired his entire clip into the 3 boys. Only Gods good graces kept them alive. His words were F*#K NI***RS as he walked away. Now get outta here with the shit aint racial. I knew a kid who resembled SHREK, big goofy, funny looking and just an inocent young mexican kid who was shot in the neck and killed in 07' by the insane crips. Your making it sound like these animals dont know what they are doing. It goes both ways. Mexicans and blacks are murking eachother, and alot of times it doesnt even make the news. ALOT of times RACE is the only reason they got shot.

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by Coup » November 24th, 2009, 1:14 pm

mayugastank wrote:Yea its true that the F13 dont get racial without alot of black hoods but if you peep that area and read on what has gone down there you will clearly see that they are on a racial tip. They have let alot of brothers have lead who didnt even gangbang, sometimes purposely and firing on blacks in front of their families and executing blacks --in big numbers---some 30+ blacks in that lil area in about 2 years , that isnt just some simple race war --thats all out EVEN FOR LOS ANGELES. The ECC are real deep everyone knows it- but have they ever gone at it like that with another black hood? The United States Goverment got involved in the form of a RICO indictment --because they had tapped some F13 phones and kept hearing chatter on murders committed against blacks for VERY RACIAL reasons.Read up on some of my previous posts on here and youll see them for what they are. These are some bad dudes--bad as in immoral. The racial hatred they showed and the ECC showed also was something I DOUBT that has happened in MODERN AMERICA since the days of segregation in the south. Dont be fooled by a BBQ being thrown with the SWANS
This is alot BS. If you think that only ECC were chipped in that war, then you are an idiot. 30+....What!.......You have posted a few good posts in this section, but it seems that your attempt to stretch your pride of Chicano culture into gang conflicts clouds your common sense. Why don't you talk to an F13 and ask why they are not in certain ECC hoods anymore. Ask them why they no longer are in 6-Pack or 89 hood anymore.

You did this again with the 18 vs. BPS......again, chicano pride over common sense.

You didn't look into this enough to make your claim that 18 smashed BPS.....a few 18 in jail for 187's convinced you that they worked the Stones.

Drive around or near the will see that 18 has no presence. They were evicted and run out of Rancho Park (a click that was wiped out by BPS since you like to use that word). Smiley Drives don't cross Jefferson anywhere near BPS hood, but.....they did take GG hood completely from what I can tell.

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by Coup » November 24th, 2009, 1:30 pm

18 is not the same powerhouse that it once was. That all powerful gang that many think of as Big Bad Diesocho has taken alot of losses over the years...that stigma is dead....

- Pushed out of Jungles and Rancho Park
- Lost several clicks and travel like gypsies all over SC (King Blvd, 54 click, Rancho Park click)
- Getting served and punked in Inglewood on the regular....I personally saw a CMG sock out two 18 on Crenshaw and Imperial across from Burlingtons....I felt sorry for these two grown ass men getting beat on by one guy....I will say they were probably scared to fight back thinking that a bunch of damus would come by and blast them...but this is Big Bad Diesocho...the slobb killers right????
- I know as fact that 18 have been murked by Hoovas who were looped...they never retaliated or anything....the Hoovas would say that they "thought" the 18 were SoLos or something....again..this is Big Bad Diesocho....when did they turn the other cheek when the homies get smoked...oh wait I know.
- SYC smoke an 18 awhile ago as well...Rimpau Gangsta....dude toook 5-6 to the back/ response again....MCS took credit at first but they knew

I guess that is how 18 does it now. No racial pride here (I could be a proud Chicano too.... :)), just providing balanced feedback.

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by H572DSTA » November 24th, 2009, 4:19 pm

perongregory wrote:HOODSTA you prob. get this a lot but was Eazy really from yo hood?
i keep it simple....

-he grew up around here
-his pops was a Kelly
-his two sons claimin NHCC
-eazy was kinda afiliated but he did no dirt he was no ganster like he said in his songs
-he lost his respect 4 not showing up after he got famous

he grew up in Kelly but he aitn from KPCC

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by H572DSTA » November 24th, 2009, 4:32 pm

mayugastank wrote:
perongregory wrote:HOODSTA you prob. get this a lot but was Eazy really from yo hood?
SINCE WE ARE TALKING ABOUT PERSONAL EXPERIENCES.......I wont get too much into specifics or whatever , but their was a group of black skaters I knew who were pretty good dudes, they tagged ,skated, were good artists and minded their own, IN NO WAY did they dress or resemble a banger . Well these guys , were at a skatepark in LB, when they were surrounded by 5 big ass mexican gangbangers, asked were they were from" when they replied "nowhere!" It didnt matter one bit that they were just school kids hanging out * One of the bangers pulls out his piece and at point blank range pulls the trigger killing the black kid, in front of his friends and brother. He then turned his weapon on the kids they had made lay face down and fired his entire clip into the 3 boys. Only Gods good graces kept them alive. His words were F*#K NI***RS as he walked away. Now get outta here with the shit aint racial. I knew a kid who resembled SHREK, big goofy, funny looking and just an inocent young mexican kid who was shot in the neck and killed in 07' by the insane crips. Your making it sound like these animals dont know what they are doing. It goes both ways. Mexicans and blacks are murking eachother, and alot of times it doesnt even make the news. ALOT of times RACE is the only reason they got shot.
homie i feel sry 4 your personal experiance but that got nuthin 2 do with this topic

we talkin bout F13 vs ECC....if there would be a "race war" or "racism" in one of these hoods,why should F13 drive into ECC hood to kill a blacc? they could kill blaccs in they own hood right???
it would be a racial war if F13 would fight against ECC just because they blacc!!! but thats not the fact its about business and revenche!!!
and look at 18st against BPS....i remember when that guy jamiel shaw got killed....the media was talkin about racial motivation...but they dont know that they got a gang of black 18st members...even one of they leaders OOG Shadow was 100% blacc
i remember when we used to beef with CVTG and one of us got shot...we wuz drivin trough they hood lookin 4 the first mexican we could find,but not because we racial just because we was searching 4 an enemigo
same thing if we ride against a blacc hood....we searching 4 the first blacc we can aint that racial in your eyes?

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by H572DSTA » November 24th, 2009, 4:39 pm

Coup wrote:
mayugastank wrote:Yea its true that the F13 dont get racial without alot of black hoods but if you peep that area and read on what has gone down there you will clearly see that they are on a racial tip. They have let alot of brothers have lead who didnt even gangbang, sometimes purposely and firing on blacks in front of their families and executing blacks --in big numbers---some 30+ blacks in that lil area in about 2 years , that isnt just some simple race war --thats all out EVEN FOR LOS ANGELES. The ECC are real deep everyone knows it- but have they ever gone at it like that with another black hood? The United States Goverment got involved in the form of a RICO indictment --because they had tapped some F13 phones and kept hearing chatter on murders committed against blacks for VERY RACIAL reasons.Read up on some of my previous posts on here and youll see them for what they are. These are some bad dudes--bad as in immoral. The racial hatred they showed and the ECC showed also was something I DOUBT that has happened in MODERN AMERICA since the days of segregation in the south. Dont be fooled by a BBQ being thrown with the SWANS
This is alot BS. If you think that only ECC were chipped in that war, then you are an idiot. 30+....What!.......You have posted a few good posts in this section, but it seems that your attempt to stretch your pride of Chicano culture into gang conflicts clouds your common sense. Why don't you talk to an F13 and ask why they are not in certain ECC hoods anymore. Ask them why they no longer are in 6-Pack or 89 hood anymore.

You did this again with the 18 vs. BPS......again, chicano pride over common sense.

You didn't look into this enough to make your claim that 18 smashed BPS.....a few 18 in jail for 187's convinced you that they worked the Stones.

Drive around or near the will see that 18 has no presence. They were evicted and run out of Rancho Park (a click that was wiped out by BPS since you like to use that word). Smiley Drives don't cross Jefferson anywhere near BPS hood, but.....they did take GG hood completely from what I can tell.
yeah f13 lost a couple streets in 6Pacc ECC turf but F13 never Been in 89ECC hood!

but if we just look at the facts we can see that the coast is loosing that war

59ECC is almost gone the rest kicc it in 6Pacc hood
76ECC aint makin no noise anymore they gone be wiped out in the next few years

so what F13 clicc lost ground or membership?

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by Coup » November 24th, 2009, 5:26 pm

Washington Park.....F13 were there and were comfortable hangin there with no worries. And you are right....ain't no F13 in 89 hood, that is my point.

59 was a dead issue before the beef. ...76, I don't know about. Honestly, I hear they got served and they are a wrap...that is why I did not bring them up...F13 had many eses in 6-Pac hood...they are ghost now or really really quiet.

F13 took losses, it was in no way one sided. That is my point and that is a fact.

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by H572DSTA » November 25th, 2009, 12:08 pm

Coup wrote:Washington Park.....F13 were there and were comfortable hangin there with no worries. And you are right....ain't no F13 in 89 hood, that is my point.

59 was a dead issue before the beef. ...76, I don't know about. Honestly, I hear they got served and they are a wrap...that is why I did not bring them up...F13 had many eses in 6-Pac hood...they are ghost now or really really quiet.

F13 took losses, it was in no way one sided. That is my point and that is a fact.
yeah F13 took losses but ECC took more! if you read the LA times you would know

and it aint about who took more heads...i just said that this war aint racial....they aint killin eachother because of the race!!!

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by Coup » November 25th, 2009, 12:45 pm

H572DSTA wrote:
Coup wrote:Washington Park.....F13 were there and were comfortable hangin there with no worries. And you are right....ain't no F13 in 89 hood, that is my point.

59 was a dead issue before the beef. ...76, I don't know about. Honestly, I hear they got served and they are a wrap...that is why I did not bring them up...F13 had many eses in 6-Pac hood...they are ghost now or really really quiet.

F13 took losses, it was in no way one sided. That is my point and that is a fact.
yeah F13 took losses but ECC took more! if you read the LA times you would know

and it aint about who took more heads...i just said that this war aint racial....they aint killin eachother because of the race!!!
Newspapers don’t report everything and I didn’t go count the bodies….I see where you going though.

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by mayugastank » December 4th, 2009, 5:04 am

Coup wrote:
mayugastank wrote:Yea its true that the F13 dont get racial without alot of black hoods but if you peep that area and read on what has gone down there you will clearly see that they are on a racial tip. They have let alot of brothers have lead who didnt even gangbang, sometimes purposely and firing on blacks in front of their families and executing blacks --in big numbers---some 30+ blacks in that lil area in about 2 years , that isnt just some simple race war --thats all out EVEN FOR LOS ANGELES. The ECC are real deep everyone knows it- but have they ever gone at it like that with another black hood? The United States Goverment got involved in the form of a RICO indictment --because they had tapped some F13 phones and kept hearing chatter on murders committed against blacks for VERY RACIAL reasons.Read up on some of my previous posts on here and youll see them for what they are. These are some bad dudes--bad as in immoral. The racial hatred they showed and the ECC showed also was something I DOUBT that has happened in MODERN AMERICA since the days of segregation in the south. Dont be fooled by a BBQ being thrown with the SWANS
This is alot BS. If you think that only ECC were chipped in that war, then you are an idiot. 30+....What!.......You have posted a few good posts in this section, but it seems that your attempt to stretch your pride of Chicano culture into gang conflicts clouds your common sense. Why don't you talk to an F13 and ask why they are not in certain ECC hoods anymore. Ask them why they no longer are in 6-Pack or 89 hood anymore.

You did this again with the 18 vs. BPS......again, chicano pride over common sense.

maybe you didnt read my comment, 30 plus black people killed in 2 years about 10 mexicans killed. Look it up. Out of the 30 blacks killed only 2 I could find were verified gang members. 2 out of 30!! That makes 28 random blacks killed for NO REASON AT ALL! A few instances: a black basketball coach getting gunned down in a gym packed with kids. A family man getting shot up at a carwash. 2 black men at 35+ years old getting shot up. 2 homeless black men getting murked. DO YOU THINK I AM BRAGGING OR SOMETHING? I am not getting your quote? it is pitiful. Let them kill eachother , if thats what they would die to do as seems like. But when you start murking chubbby old black guys killed in their coveralls from work or mexicans who dont speak a lick of english.......I mean seriously? What point does that serve ? Those ECC and F13 didnt give a dam about those people to begin with and definetly didnt care when they died

You didn't look into this enough to make your claim that 18 smashed BPS.....a few 18 in jail for 187's convinced you that they worked the Stones.

Drive around or near the will see that 18 has no presence. They were evicted and run out of Rancho Park (a click that was wiped out by BPS since you like to use that word). Smiley Drives don't cross Jefferson anywhere near BPS hood, but.....they did take GG hood completely from what I can tell.

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by mayugastank » December 4th, 2009, 5:06 am

[quote="Coup"]Washington Park.....F13 were there and were comfortable hangin there with no worries. And you are right....ain't no F13 in 89 hood, that is my point.

59 was a dead issue before the beef. ...76, I don't know about. Honestly, I hear they got served and they are a wrap...that is why I did not bring them up...F13 had many eses in 6-Pac hood...they are ghost now or really really quiet.

maybe you didnt read my comment, 30 plus black people killed in 2 years about 10 mexicans killed. Look it up. Out of the 30 blacks killed only 2 I could find were verified gang members. 2 out of 30!! That makes 28 random blacks killed for NO REASON AT ALL! A few instances: a black basketball coach getting gunned down in a gym packed with kids. A family man getting shot up at a carwash. 2 black men at 35+ years old getting shot up. 2 homeless black men getting murked. DO YOU THINK I AM BRAGGING OR SOMETHING? I am not getting your quote? it is pitiful. Let them kill eachother , if thats what they would die to do as seems like. But when you start murking chubbby old black guys killed in their coveralls from work or mexicans who dont speak a lick of english.......I mean seriously? What point does that serve ? Those ECC and F13 didnt give a dam about those people to begin with and definetly didnt care when they died

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by H572DSTA » December 4th, 2009, 7:29 am

mayugastank wrote:
Coup wrote:Washington Park.....F13 were there and were comfortable hangin there with no worries. And you are right....ain't no F13 in 89 hood, that is my point.

59 was a dead issue before the beef. ...76, I don't know about. Honestly, I hear they got served and they are a wrap...that is why I did not bring them up...F13 had many eses in 6-Pac hood...they are ghost now or really really quiet.

maybe you didnt read my comment, 30 plus black people killed in 2 years about 10 mexicans killed. Look it up. Out of the 30 blacks killed only 2 I could find were verified gang members. 2 out of 30!! That makes 28 random blacks killed for NO REASON AT ALL! A few instances: a black basketball coach getting gunned down in a gym packed with kids. A family man getting shot up at a carwash. 2 black men at 35+ years old getting shot up. 2 homeless black men getting murked. DO YOU THINK I AM BRAGGING OR SOMETHING? I am not getting your quote? it is pitiful. Let them kill eachother , if thats what they would die to do as seems like. But when you start murking chubbby old black guys killed in their coveralls from work or mexicans who dont speak a lick of english.......I mean seriously? What point does that serve ? Those ECC and F13 didnt give a dam about those people to begin with and definetly didnt care when they died
you still dont understand it

it doesnt matter who got more heads in that war. it still aint RACIAL!!!

you say it is racial because innocent people got killed huh?...shit i guess you dont wanna know how many innocent people (kids non-gangbangers woman) got shot in 83GC vs 60s beef or BHB vs GSWC so that aint racial but F13 vs ECC is racial

nigga my couzin (14years old) who never gangbanged in his life got killed on his way to school and the shooter was black and he was searching 4 an enemy...the shooter was black,but if he would be from F13 he was a racist in your eyes right???

look at the 49th street masacre....R'30s shott 3 latinos who never gangbanged in they live one of them was 10 years R'30 a Racial hood now who target latinos??? naw they was just lookin 4 enemy ES 13 members and thought they from the hood

itz just what it is if you beefin with enemigos from mexican hood and wanna kill one of them you drive into they neighborhod and look 4 the first mexican who could be from that hood

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by MENACE18 » December 4th, 2009, 12:33 pm

Coup wrote:18 is not the same powerhouse that it once was. That all powerful gang that many think of as Big Bad Diesocho has taken alot of losses over the years...that stigma is dead....

- Pushed out of Jungles and Rancho Park
- Lost several clicks and travel like gypsies all over SC (King Blvd, 54 click, Rancho Park click)
- Getting served and punked in Inglewood on the regular....I personally saw a CMG sock out two 18 on Crenshaw and Imperial across from Burlingtons....I felt sorry for these two grown ass men getting beat on by one guy....I will say they were probably scared to fight back thinking that a bunch of damus would come by and blast them...but this is Big Bad Diesocho...the slobb killers right????
- I know as fact that 18 have been murked by Hoovas who were looped...they never retaliated or anything....the Hoovas would say that they "thought" the 18 were SoLos or something....again..this is Big Bad Diesocho....when did they turn the other cheek when the homies get smoked...oh wait I know.
- SYC smoke an 18 awhile ago as well...Rimpau Gangsta....dude toook 5-6 to the back/ response again....MCS took credit at first but they knew

I guess that is how 18 does it now. No racial pride here (I could be a proud Chicano too.... :)), just providing balanced feedback.
ur fucken stupid as fuck,54th tiny locos still around,alot of king boulevard gangsters are locked up,rancho park pee wees and rancho park lil locs locked up cause slobs be snitchen, bitch ass slobs dont be knocken out any homies,they just hit up any mexican.the homie frosty has a big 18 on his face and 2 ni666as from rollin 20s boo boo and worm didnt do shit to him,they didnt even hit him up,they jumped some skater mexican and the next week we heard they were yappin bout fucken up a 18.we didnt even know they were slobs cuz they werent flaggin shit,in inglewood the same shit slobs dont got a problem jumpin any mexicans but with all 18s they dont do shit,in inglewood the homies never catch slobs,they catch more lennox,tepas,ing13, and ask the bps slobs to quit snitchen on the homies,my brother cuete from westside 18st 106th tiny wynos got 16 years for attempted murder cuz the slobs snitched on him,they snitched on lil man,malo,bamb bam, cyco,and other homies from 106th,slobs aint shit but snitches and bitches, and ur dumb bout the hoovers,years ago they killed dis black guy and his girl cuz they wanted to join westside 18st hoover locos and the hoovers got mad so they raped the girl and killed them,the homies got 5 of the hoovers and hung them,hoover didnt do shit,and racial pride,we got pride for all our races and for the big one eight,dumb ass dont know shit,and what homie from 18 has even been shot by a slob,none,the only time slobs shot up was when the homie striker from 106th tws got out of jail after bein snitched on by a slob,they shot up his party while theyre were lil kids and woman,so fuck all u slobs,know who said it,menace westside xv3st shatto park locos

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by MENACE18 » December 4th, 2009, 12:36 pm

florencia is lame,my ex is ex vato says hes primos jumped him into it over in sd and he goes to school with homies from 18 and he doesnt even rep his shit,hes been in it for a month but he reps it on myspace and he says hes cuzzins live on our turf in LA but that they dont go outside cuz they scared to get killed,im waitin to get the adress to go fuck them up,

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by mnjmc » December 4th, 2009, 1:58 pm

MENACE18 wrote:florencia is lame,my ex is ex vato says hes primos jumped him into it over in sd and he goes to school with homies from 18 and he doesnt even rep his shit,hes been in it for a month but he reps it on myspace and he says hes cuzzins live on our turf in LA but that they dont go outside because they scared to get killed,im waitin to get the adress to go fu-- them up,

You have any idea how lame you sound telling people that stroy. You live in SD and speak on South Los Angeles because of rumors you read on myspace? So all the shit you talk about is just stuff you read on myspace by people that are bigger liars than you?

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by Coup » December 4th, 2009, 2:42 pm

MENACE18 wrote:
Coup wrote:18 is not the same powerhouse that it once was. That all powerful gang that many think of as Big Bad Diesocho has taken alot of losses over the years...that stigma is dead....

- Pushed out of Jungles and Rancho Park
- Lost several clicks and travel like gypsies all over SC (King Blvd, 54 click, Rancho Park click)
- Getting served and punked in Inglewood on the regular....I personally saw a CMG sock out two 18 on Crenshaw and Imperial across from Burlingtons....I felt sorry for these two grown ass men getting beat on by one guy....I will say they were probably scared to fight back thinking that a bunch of damus would come by and blast them...but this is Big Bad Diesocho...the slobb killers right????
- I know as fact that 18 have been murked by Hoovas who were looped...they never retaliated or anything....the Hoovas would say that they "thought" the 18 were SoLos or something....again..this is Big Bad Diesocho....when did they turn the other cheek when the homies get smoked...oh wait I know.
- SYC smoke an 18 awhile ago as well...Rimpau Gangsta....dude toook 5-6 to the back/ response again....MCS took credit at first but they knew

I guess that is how 18 does it now. No racial pride here (I could be a proud Chicano too.... :)), just providing balanced feedback.

ur #%@&$% stupid as fu--,54th tiny locos still around,alot of king boulevard gangsters are locked up,rancho park pee wees and rancho park lil locs locked up cause slobs be snitchen, bitch ass slobs dont be knocken out any homies,they just hit up any mexican.the homie frosty has a big 18 on his face and 2 ni666as from rollin 20s boo boo and worm didnt do shit to him,they didnt even hit him up,they jumped some skater mexican and the next week we heard they were yappin bout #%@&$% up a 18.we didnt even know they were slobs because they werent flaggin shit,in inglewood the same shit slobs dont got a problem jumpin any mexicans but with all 18s they dont do shit,in inglewood the homies never catch slobs,they catch more lennox,tepas,ing13, and ask the bps slobs to quit snitchen on the homies,my brother cuete from westside 18st 106th tiny wynos got 16 years for attempted murder because the slobs snitched on him,they snitched on lil man,malo,bamb bam, cyco,and other homies from 106th,slobs aint shit but snitches and women, and ur dumb bout the hoovers,years ago they killed dis black guy and his girl because they wanted to join westside 18st hoover locos and the hoovers got mad so they raped the girl and killed them,the homies got 5 of the hoovers and hung them,hoover didnt do shit,and racial pride,we got pride for all our races and for the big one eight,dumb ass dont know shit,and what homie from 18 has even been shot by a slob,none,the only time slobs shot up was when the homie striker from 106th tws got out of jail after bein snitched on by a slob,they shot up his party while theyre were lil kids and woman,so fu-- all u slobs,know who said it,menace westside xv3st shatto park locos
^^You are a joke lil man. Nothing you have written holds weight after this BS. Since you cant dispute anything that I have written you bring up fantasy bs and post it like it really is dude said, you a San Diego teenager....stay in SD keep learnin about 18 from their website.

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by Coup » December 4th, 2009, 3:12 pm

mayugastank wrote:
Coup wrote:Washington Park.....F13 were there and were comfortable hangin there with no worries. And you are right....ain't no F13 in 89 hood, that is my point.

59 was a dead issue before the beef. ...76, I don't know about. Honestly, I hear they got served and they are a wrap...that is why I did not bring them up...F13 had many eses in 6-Pac hood...they are ghost now or really really quiet.

maybe you didnt read my comment, 30 plus black people killed in 2 years about 10 mexicans killed. Look it up. Out of the 30 blacks killed only 2 I could find were verified gang members. 2 out of 30!! That makes 28 random blacks killed for NO REASON AT ALL! A few instances: a black basketball coach getting gunned down in a gym packed with kids. A family man getting shot up at a carwash. 2 black men at 35+ years old getting shot up. 2 homeless black men getting murked. DO YOU THINK I AM BRAGGING OR SOMETHING? I am not getting your quote? it is pitiful. Let them kill eachother , if thats what they would die to do as seems like. But when you start murking chubbby old black guys killed in their coveralls from work or mexicans who dont speak a lick of english.......I mean seriously? What point does that serve ? Those ECC and F13 didnt give a dam about those people to begin with and definetly didnt care when they died
Racial pride is all in your post holmes....if you are not taking it there then okay, but that is how I read it...big bad Florencia trece kills 30+ ECC...that's it that's all. So 28 innocents confirmed to have been chipped by F13's? All ECC enemies magically disappeared to watch the ECC/F13 show? No domestics, no sherm heads/drunks beefing, shit, ECC could have been killing each other??? Who knows... but I guess it was just all F13 murking Blacks? Okay...that was one helluva spree. Were any of those 10 Mexicans confirmed F13? It was really that one sided..... :?

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by H572DSTA » December 4th, 2009, 7:00 pm

MENACE18 wrote:
Coup wrote:18 is not the same powerhouse that it once was. That all powerful gang that many think of as Big Bad Diesocho has taken alot of losses over the years...that stigma is dead....

- Pushed out of Jungles and Rancho Park
- Lost several clicks and travel like gypsies all over SC (King Blvd, 54 click, Rancho Park click)
- Getting served and punked in Inglewood on the regular....I personally saw a CMG sock out two 18 on Crenshaw and Imperial across from Burlingtons....I felt sorry for these two grown ass men getting beat on by one guy....I will say they were probably scared to fight back thinking that a bunch of damus would come by and blast them...but this is Big Bad Diesocho...the slobb killers right????
- I know as fact that 18 have been murked by Hoovas who were looped...they never retaliated or anything....the Hoovas would say that they "thought" the 18 were SoLos or something....again..this is Big Bad Diesocho....when did they turn the other cheek when the homies get smoked...oh wait I know.
- SYC smoke an 18 awhile ago as well...Rimpau Gangsta....dude toook 5-6 to the back/ response again....MCS took credit at first but they knew

I guess that is how 18 does it now. No racial pride here (I could be a proud Chicano too.... :)), just providing balanced feedback.
ur #%@&$% stupid as fu--,54th tiny locos still around,alot of king boulevard gangsters are locked up,rancho park pee wees and rancho park lil locs locked up cause slobs be snitchen, bitch ass slobs dont be knocken out any homies,they just hit up any mexican.the homie frosty has a big 18 on his face and 2 ni666as from rollin 20s boo boo and worm didnt do shit to him,they didnt even hit him up,they jumped some skater mexican and the next week we heard they were yappin bout #%@&$% up a 18.we didnt even know they were slobs because they werent flaggin shit,in inglewood the same shit slobs dont got a problem jumpin any mexicans but with all 18s they dont do shit,in inglewood the homies never catch slobs,they catch more lennox,tepas,ing13, and ask the bps slobs to quit snitchen on the homies,my brother cuete from westside 18st 106th tiny wynos got 16 years for attempted murder because the slobs snitched on him,they snitched on lil man,malo,bamb bam, cyco,and other homies from 106th,slobs aint shit but snitches and women, and ur dumb bout the hoovers,years ago they killed dis black guy and his girl because they wanted to join westside 18st hoover locos and the hoovers got mad so they raped the girl and killed them,the homies got 5 of the hoovers and hung them,hoover didnt do shit,and racial pride,we got pride for all our races and for the big one eight,dumb ass dont know shit,and what homie from 18 has even been shot by a slob,none,the only time slobs shot up was when the homie striker from 106th tws got out of jail after bein snitched on by a slob,they shot up his party while theyre were lil kids and woman,so fu-- all u slobs,know who said it,menace westside xv3st shatto park locos
damn i dont like bloods but damn you talkin too muc shit

first of dont lie nigga bout how they snitch on your homiez thats a bitch move
you say that rancho park aint active because bloods snitchen on everyone????hahaha daaamn i thought 18st kinda respectable but you just let your hood look bad right now
and inglewood bloods scared of that little 18st click on 106th??? funny shit

and 18st killed 5 hoover and hoovers did nuthin??? ook i got homiez from 74 & 83 Verz so tell me the names of the 5 yall killed huh

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by mayugastank » December 4th, 2009, 11:45 pm

Coup wrote:
mayugastank wrote:
Coup wrote:Washington Park.....F13 were there and were comfortable hangin there with no worries. And you are right....ain't no F13 in 89 hood, that is my point.

59 was a dead issue before the beef. ...76, I don't know about. Honestly, I hear they got served and they are a wrap...that is why I did not bring them up...F13 had many eses in 6-Pac hood...they are ghost now or really really quiet.

maybe you didnt read my comment, 30 plus black people killed in 2 years about 10 mexicans killed. Look it up. Out of the 30 blacks killed only 2 I could find were verified gang members. 2 out of 30!! That makes 28 random blacks killed for NO REASON AT ALL! A few instances: a black basketball coach getting gunned down in a gym packed with kids. A family man getting shot up at a carwash. 2 black men at 35+ years old getting shot up. 2 homeless black men getting murked. DO YOU THINK I AM BRAGGING OR SOMETHING? I am not getting your quote? it is pitiful. Let them kill eachother , if thats what they would die to do as seems like. But when you start murking chubbby old black guys killed in their coveralls from work or mexicans who dont speak a lick of english.......I mean seriously? What point does that serve ? Those ECC and F13 didnt give a dam about those people to begin with and definetly didnt care when they died
Racial pride is all in your post holmes....if you are not taking it there then okay, but that is how I read it...big bad Florencia trece kills 30+ ECC...that's it that's all. So 28 innocents confirmed to have been chipped by F13's? All ECC enemies magically disappeared to watch the ECC/F13 show? No domestics, no sherm heads/drunks beefing, shit, ECC could have been killing each other??? Who knows... but I guess it was just all F13 murking Blacks? Okay...that was one helluva spree. Were any of those 10 Mexicans confirmed F13? It was really that one sided..... :?

I dont need to post the lists do I? simply look thru my previous posts on ECC/F13, and the murder reports for that part of the city--youll see it is a one sided war.The suspects in ALL of the posts on this subject I posted were either black who killed latinos or latinos who killed blacks .I dint post any were the suspects race was unknown.

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by youngspade » December 5th, 2009, 10:45 pm

H572DSTA wrote:
MENACE18 wrote:
Coup wrote:18 is not the same powerhouse that it once was. That all powerful gang that many think of as Big Bad Diesocho has taken alot of losses over the years...that stigma is dead....

- Pushed out of Jungles and Rancho Park
- Lost several clicks and travel like gypsies all over SC (King Blvd, 54 click, Rancho Park click)
- Getting served and punked in Inglewood on the regular....I personally saw a CMG sock out two 18 on Crenshaw and Imperial across from Burlingtons....I felt sorry for these two grown ass men getting beat on by one guy....I will say they were probably scared to fight back thinking that a bunch of damus would come by and blast them...but this is Big Bad Diesocho...the slobb killers right????
- I know as fact that 18 have been murked by Hoovas who were looped...they never retaliated or anything....the Hoovas would say that they "thought" the 18 were SoLos or something....again..this is Big Bad Diesocho....when did they turn the other cheek when the homies get smoked...oh wait I know.
- SYC smoke an 18 awhile ago as well...Rimpau Gangsta....dude toook 5-6 to the back/ response again....MCS took credit at first but they knew

I guess that is how 18 does it now. No racial pride here (I could be a proud Chicano too.... :)), just providing balanced feedback.
ur #%@&$% stupid as fu--,54th tiny locos still around,alot of king boulevard gangsters are locked up,rancho park pee wees and rancho park lil locs locked up cause slobs be snitchen, bitch ass slobs dont be knocken out any homies,they just hit up any mexican.the homie frosty has a big 18 on his face and 2 ni666as from rollin 20s boo boo and worm didnt do shit to him,they didnt even hit him up,they jumped some skater mexican and the next week we heard they were yappin bout #%@&$% up a 18.we didnt even know they were slobs because they werent flaggin shit,in inglewood the same shit slobs dont got a problem jumpin any mexicans but with all 18s they dont do shit,in inglewood the homies never catch slobs,they catch more lennox,tepas,ing13, and ask the bps slobs to quit snitchen on the homies,my brother cuete from westside 18st 106th tiny wynos got 16 years for attempted murder because the slobs snitched on him,they snitched on lil man,malo,bamb bam, cyco,and other homies from 106th,slobs aint shit but snitches and women, and ur dumb bout the hoovers,years ago they killed dis black guy and his girl because they wanted to join westside 18st hoover locos and the hoovers got mad so they raped the girl and killed them,the homies got 5 of the hoovers and hung them,hoover didnt do shit,and racial pride,we got pride for all our races and for the big one eight,dumb ass dont know shit,and what homie from 18 has even been shot by a slob,none,the only time slobs shot up was when the homie striker from 106th tws got out of jail after bein snitched on by a slob,they shot up his party while theyre were lil kids and woman,so fu-- all u slobs,know who said it,menace westside xv3st shatto park locos
damn i dont like bloods but damn you talkin too muc shit

first of dont lie nigga bout how they snitch on your homiez thats a bitch move
you say that rancho park aint active because bloods snitchen on everyone????hahaha daaamn i thought 18st kinda respectable but you just let your hood look bad right now
and inglewood bloods scared of that little 18st click on 106th??? funny shit

and 18st killed 5 hoover and hoovers did nuthin??? ook i got homiez from 74 & 83 Verz so tell me the names of the 5 yall killed huh

First off, LOL if Menace is from/lives in SD!

Second off, when 18st first moved to INGLEWOOD, they was dumb enough to move in the biggest gang in INGLEWOOD, THE IFGS, They moved in THE 77s LOL, they wasnt having that shit AT ALL and the I13's wasnt either. The IFGS, kicked doors into family homes (WIth 18s THERE not just innocent people) EVERY nite, Everynite they will busn on there HOMES and TAKING coke from these guys and punking them! They couldnt handle a REAL INGLEWOOD THREAT, THE IFGS who also hate BPS but aint fint to let anyone move ON THERE ORIGINAL BLOCK or ANY BLOCK in inglewood where IFG when they finnally got the message IF aint no bustas they moved down to CMG hoood and the IFS assisted APG, CMG and all those hoods down there to PUSH THEM FURTHER or even out of INGLEWOOD. Inglewood 13 is on there asses too, along with LENNOX which is pretty tough. SO each hood before 106st helped PUSH 18st down to 106th St but give credit to the IF's forreal! Nobody was snitching, niggaz was just smacking and taking yall dope. Surprisenly only a couple 18s got shot none were killed. The way the IFGs did it was like this, it was more respectful than anything but at the sametime ENFORCED highly! Because they knew when one moves in 1,000 troops come after ! - Which is also true! Now look @ 106th, semi deep (No less than 200heads) BUT holding there OWN vs everyone basically in that 5 mile radius. Everyone from Inglewood x3 (Deep Ass Hell Too) to Tepa to Krazy Crew x3 (Semi Deep/ Fairly new aswell) to Lennox x3 (DEEP ASS CHICANO HOOD) and thats just Chicano hoods. Now blacks there beefing with IFG, APG, CPP, CMG and I think TCG aswell.

They told 18s "Blood my Grandparents stay over here and when they die its gonna be my house and I aint too happy with yall moving in my GRANDMAS hood like we aint gonna do nothing" - Seriously

THE IFS pushed the 18s from 77th to 106th BY THEMSELVES nobody helped them or even knew they were in INGLEWOOD until they was already dealt with in IFs turf, the problem wasnt notice until they tried to move pass century!

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Re: How and who targets blacks in LA

Unread post by MENACE18 » December 6th, 2009, 10:03 am

ifg i know those ni666as actually are bout their shit,but 20s,bps all those ni666as be snitchen on homies,lil rascal from sc18st lgs got snitched on my ni666as from rollin 20s cuz that video he posted on youtube dissen them,he was in LA county and started 2 riots tryen to get at ni666as from that hood for payback,the homie drowzy from rancho park lil locs only 17 arrested at LA high cuz some 20s snitched that he was gonna blast them so hes doin time,bam bam,cyco,malo,lil man,all from 106th got snitched on by ni666as from bps,the homie bam bam fucken up some ni666a name dro and jacked his hat and that lame was sayin he got jumped,he show that video to the fucken cops and they got the homie bam bam for assualt and he was on probation,the hoovers idk there names but i know that 5 ni666as either bangin or claimin hoover killed a black guy who wanted in 18 and his girl,hoover and us never beefed,we respect eachother cuz we ride alone,we dont ask hoods for back up or shit,were cool with some hoods but thats it,and i know those slobs be snitchen cuz everytime homies have done shit to other hoods,nothing,but when some1 from 20s or bps gets hit up the homie gets locked up

and yea i live in sd so fucken what,im from LA,lived there most of my life,i still go there to kick it with homies from my hood,ive put in work for my hood,the last vato i got down with was miner from es mexican klan 47st,ive gotten down with rhino from ninos surenos,spanky from muertos 102st,danger es ghettoe boys,fools from ms and clanton,what hood you ni666as from,sayin all this shit bout my hood,who told you that

youngspade,ive never heard of ifg doin that shit so im not even gonna speak on that,but if they were tryen to take shit i doubt they were taken anything cuz when 106th started they werent slangin dope,shit they still dont,they just tryen to get more turf

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